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  ~I hope so. The only other option might involve worldwide panic so I'd really like to avoid it. A few days? How long do we wait?~

  The elevator deposited them in the lobby, and the security guards were on their feet staring at them.

  McKenna flashed a smile, held her head up high and headed to the door at a walk, refusing to show one ounce of worry. But deep inside, even as a strong female who had no issue handling herself, having JD and Perc to look intimidating made her feel better. Getting in a fight here would do no one any good, and men were more likely to back down from obviously scary men. She had no issue using their own idiosyncrasies against them.

  The escape, and it felt like one, made her a bit giddy as they got back to the car. She climbed in the back, JD really couldn't fit even in a nice car like Perc's, buckled in and closed her eyes.

  ~We did it. Now to see how long it takes.~ Her voice somber in the mindscape.

  ~How long do we give them?~ Toni asked.

  ~Not too long. But at least until after Saturday. I want the barbecue and Nam to come over. Perc, Cass, you two coming?~

  ~Hell, yes. You're lucky I haven't moved in. I hate sleeping without you.~ Cass's voice had an odd pain to it, but McKenna didn't know how to respond.

  ~Ditto. In fact, mind if I crash there that night? Be nice to drink a bit and not worry about driving.~

  McKenna tilted her head. ~Your bots let you get drunk?~

  ~Umm? Yes? Well, I mean the last time it took a lot, maybe more than it should have, but not like I get drunk that often,~ he protested, a bit defensively.

  [Not all bots would have repaired the same programs at the same time, but with the blood exchange it would be extremely difficult to get more than slightly buzzed without interference.]

  That pronouncement dropped like a lead weight in the middle of the space and everyone fell silent.

  ~Well, there goes my booze bill,~ Perc said dryly, and the rest of them broke up laughing.

  Chapter 9 - Additions

  There have been more late night meetings in the capital for the last week, and not even insiders have mentioned what's being discussed. But the cabinet has been pulled into closed-door meetings, and the National Science advisor hasn't left the White House for the last few days. Meetings have been canceled, and yet there is nothing leaking out of the capital. The most interesting is that they've asked ambassadors from the United Kingdom, Russia, and Canada to come and meet later this week. What is going on at the White House? ~ TNN Political Pundit.

  The rest of the week crawled by with McKenna jumping every time the phone rang or the one time someone knocked on the door. That had been a kid looking for yard work, which she declined. But none of those calls was anything to do with the information passed onto the secretary.

  Saturday showed up, and she sighed in relief. Even having JD stay with her, they'd given in and bought a new air mattress and set it up in the third bedroom while he let the insurance do their thing, didn't lower how much she missed the others. Toni had been by once or twice but she'd been trying to get things set up legally for the kids and make sure Carina had full rights if anything happened to her.

  McKenna spent her own time with a lawyer getting life insurance and beneficiaries created to make sure Charley would be safe. Kirk and the others had checked in on her to see if they had any ideas or plans, but all they could do was wait. If it continued like this, by Monday her temper and stress level would push her to the nuclear option.

  Wefor had her searching the web and they kept updated on where the ships were, though if a person didn't know what he was looking at it wouldn't have meant much. Some technology that made them hard to see, not a shield, more just a distortion that looked like reflected space junk or something like that. Either way, they had enough information, and the ships would be close enough that they'd be able to tell people where to look and see the incoming ships.

  And start a world-wide panic.

  That thought made her sick, and she shook her head. JD and Charley were outside setting up stuff to grill, and Charley had some games he wanted to try with the twins. They had spent all week after school creating an obstacle course and made her promise to not come out and snoop. But the two males had been very excited about it. Today she'd get to see.

  ~You two are coming, right?~

  She hated feeling anxious, but Cass had worked all week, and Perc had to wrap up a bunch of stuff with the lawyers about the lawsuit he'd brought against the various sports organizations.

  ~On my way. Another twenty minutes, tops.~ Perc's voice sounded in their shared mindspace and she could feel the others pay more attention.

  ~Probably another forty for me. Need to stop and grab some stuff, having a chocolate craving. But, yes, I'll be there. I've missed you guys.~ Cass's voice helped ease the ache that had nagged her all week, and McKenna's mood lifted.

  ~Be there in five, kids are driving me crazy. You'd think they didn't talk to Charley ALL THE TIME.~ A wave of laughter with childlike flavor filled the space even as McKenna felt the adults' humor.

  The kids rarely spoke in the shared adult mindspace and she could lock them out if she needed, but normally she didn't need to. Though with the reach they all had, it might have to change. When she changed her connections to everyone, it had trickled down to the kids too. They were ecstatic about the ability to talk regardless of distance, though they tried to hide it.

  ~Okay. I'll see everyone shortly.~ All she could do was think about having the rest of them here. With a sigh, she locked down the communication. ~Wefor, is this normal?~

  [The need to be with others of your squad?]

  ~Need? I don't understand why it almost feels like I'm longing for a loved one. I love them, but I'm not in love with any of them. Why this pining feeling? Like part of me is missing?~

  [In a real way part of you is. Squads tend to work as gestalt beings. With the establishment of the planet-wide communications, you intensified this feeling. Your bots work better in proximity to each other using shared resources. You calculate faster and are able to make better decisions. Commanders need their teams to be able to lead the Kaylid into battle and bring victories.]

  That did and didn't help, though knowing her vague unease didn't mean she was going crazy added a bit of relief.

  The mound of meat needed for a house full of shifters took up the bottom part of her fridge. Cutting back on other expenses had given her more money for food, but at this rate she would need to start buying protein in wholesale amounts.

  ~Incoming,~ Toni warned seconds before the door flew open. Two kids hugged her and let go before she had time to dry her hands and hug them back.

  "What is their issue?" she asked Toni as she walked over to help her with the bag of potatoes.

  "Heck if I know. They've been bouncing oddly for the last two days. Been about to strangle them or drug them."

  McKenna dumped the potatoes into the sink. "No Carina? She knows she's always welcome here, right?"

  "Yes. But she's going to spend the day with some friends at the river. Though she was bemoaning missing the grilling."

  McKenna grinned. "I was going to chop these into quarters for the grill. Should take about the same amount of time as the chicken. Then we can have these, too."

  "Sounds good to me," Toni said even as she started pulling out the more snacky foods and vegetables that she dumped in the sink with the potatoes. "I wanted some peppers and onions on the grill, too."

  "Works for me." McKenna started to scrub the veggies when there was a knock on the front door. She turned to look. Almost everyone came in the side door in the garage. "You didn't close the garage, did you?"

  "No. Open for Perc and Cass." Toni frowned, staring at the front door.

  "Huh." McKenna dried her hands and headed over to the front door even as she glanced to see where JD was. He stood on the deck talking to the kids who hadn't shifted yet but were all but vibrating with excitement.

  She pulled open the door and blinked
as a woman and a small girl stood there. The woman was dressed in loose trousers and a tunic shirt that hit her mid-thigh in matching gray, and a shawl around her in dark blue. Her face serious, and something in her eyes made McKenna's heart ache. But it was the girl who grabbed her. The tiny girl, she seemed even tinier than McKenna remember, looked up at her with big eyes and a level of sadness no one that young should ever know. Her dark hair curled loosely around shoulders though it seemed lank and heavy.

  "Nam!" McKenna's heart both leapt and cracked as she recognized the girl. Before she thought, she dropped to her knees and pulled the girl into a fierce hug. "I'm so glad to see you."

  The arms that wrapped around her had a certain death grip quality and she found herself unwilling, unable to let the girl loose. When she realized the dampness on her shirt was from silent tears the girl cried, she rose, the girl still tight in her arms.

  "Mrs. Bara, Poorvi, what's going on?" The woman's face had paled, but it also held relief as she dropped two large duffle bags on the front step.

  "She will be safe here. I can't protect her. Protect my daughter as you did once. I beg of you and will pray for your soul to Allah." She kissed her fingers, touched the back of her daughter's head and whirled, all but running to the car.

  Struck dumb, McKenna watched her leave as she held the tiny girl in her arms, silent sobs wracking her body.

  "Um, what just happened?" Toni asked behind her.

  McKenna was perversely glad Toni sounded just as confused as she felt.

  "I have absolutely no idea. Would you grab those bags for me? I suspect they're Nam's belongings. " As she said the girl's name her arms tightened around McKenna's neck, though she still didn't make a sound.

  "Sure. Put them where?"

  Umm, what the heck do I do? JD is in the spare room, Charley has his, and putting Nam with him doesn't work.

  "Mine for now. I think I still have a small dresser in storage I can pull out. She can sleep with me for now."

  "Got it." Toni moved by carrying both duffels, which looked way too small to contain a girl's life. McKenna headed to the living room.

  ~Charley, can you guys come in here? Nam is here.~

  She sent that as she sat on the couch, still holding the girl who trembled in her arms. The sliding door opened and three kids raced towards her, smiles on their faces. They all froze and looked at the back of the girl in her arms.

  ~What's wrong? Is she hurt?~ Charley asked, a desperate anger to his tone.

  ~I don't think so, physically at least. But her mom just dumped her here, left stuff and ran. Telling me to take her. Do you have any idea what's going on?~

  ~No. I just… ~ He trailed off, and she saw and felt his shrug.

  "Nam? Nam, darling. It's okay. Will you look at me?"

  ~She weighs so little. The twins are heavy and solid. I'm scared if I hug her too tight I'll break something.~ McKenna said into the mindscape.

  She put that comment in the main room, knowing the kids would hear, wanting feedback from Toni.

  Toni walked back out even as JD came in, drawn by her comments.

  "Nam? You remember me talking about JD? You remember meeting him that day? He's here. As are Charley and Jessi and Jamie. Want to turn and see them?"

  There was a sudden tightening of arms, then the arms fell away, and the girl pushed back and looked at McKenna. Her eyes were swollen and red, making her dark brown eyes look black and bottomless.

  "Are you going to get rid of me, too? Abba said I was an abomination." She said the word too clearly, so sharp McKenna knew she'd heard it too many times. "And that I should be put out for the elements to devour." Her voice vibrated thin and stressed. Nam didn't look at any of them, instead focused on her hands.

  McKenna choked as the girl talked and looked up to see the wild looks of panic on the kids' faces. "No. I'm not getting rid of you, but I'm a bit confused as to why your mom left you here. Abba? Is that your father?"

  Nam nodded miserably, curling up a bit, refusing to look at anyone.

  ~Kenna, we need to let her feel us. She's ours. But locked up in herself she'll never believe us. Look at her.~ Charley's tone held panic, and she could feel the others holding themselves back with an effort. Jamie all but radiated something she didn't understand. Not love, not fear, but a type of deep protectiveness that matched the others in richness and depth, but his shown brighter, almost about to combust.

  "Nam. Look at me. Please?" McKenna coaxed the girl, and she lifted her head. Dark circles under her eyes and her thin frame carried so much information that she wanted to scream. "How often do you change?"

  Nam flinched and shrank into herself even more. "Never. It is an abomination."

  Again that word and McKenna wanted to snarl, but that would not help this situation.

  "Nam. You remember me, right?"

  Her head nodded rapidly, but she didn't look up. Her body radiated an awareness of the people around her, but she didn't look at any of them, just hunched like expecting a blow. That posture McKenna knew all too well.

  "Do you trust me, that I'd never do anything to hurt you? That Charley and the twins would never do anything to hurt you?"

  Nam looked up at her, eyes dark, and McKenna had serious thoughts of murder on her mind at the fear in her eyes, the expectation that people would hurt her. The child had been five or six at the time of the kidnapping, so best case barely seven. No child should know enough to look like that.

  "Yes." Nam's voice barely counted as a whisper, but McKenna grabbed it, needing to do this, not knowing any other way. The need from the kids and the encouragement from Wefor, silent though strong, drove her as much as the desire to protect this child.

  McKenna glanced at JD, but he already stood next to her, his Gerber out. Nam paled and her body shook.

  "Nam, trust me. Please?" With careful movements, McKenna cut a nick on the fleshy part of her palm, nothing big, only enough for blood to well up. Charley was next to her before she could finish, his hand out, and Jamie and Jessi next to him. Their hands out, but their eyes all locked on Nam with an almost hungry intensity.

  She felt Toni's approval even as she glanced up at her, then made the same small cuts on their hands.

  "Will you let me?" McKenna kept her voice calm as she looked at Nam, holding her hand out silently asking for her palm even as she held the knife in the other.

  Nam swallowed, but didn't pull away. With a trembling hand she placed her palm in McKenna's. The wound McKenna made bled a bit, and she squeezed it to make it bleed a bit more. Nam didn't flinch, just watched her with wide dark eyes.

  "I'm going to drip some of your blood into Charley's wound, then his blood into yours, okay? Then with Jessi and Jamie. I know it sounds weird. But may I do this?" McKenna knew too well the frustration of adults never asking, so she tried to move slow to give the girl time to adjust.

  Nam nodded, her eyes never leaving McKenna's face.

  I am so going to hurt someone for doing this to this little girl.

  McKenna squeezed Nam's hand and dripped blood into Charley's bleeding wound. She didn't flinch as Charley and the twins exchanged blood with her, though her face remained tight, drawn.

  "Nam, I'm going to do the same thing. I promise it will make sense in a few minutes. Okay?" McKenna felt desperate to wipe the fear and pain off the tiny girl's face, but right now she did what she could.

  Nam nodded solemnly, and McKenna made the exchange.

  ~Wefor, push this one as fast as you can please. Toni, can you grab something for us to eat in here, while we wait?~

  Toni didn't even reply, just turned and went into the kitchen. Later when things were better, she'd talk the child into linking with the other adults, but right now she and the kids were needed to give her the emotional support she needed.

  [Working. Her body is severely depleted of nourishments and she has not shifted in much too long. She needs to shift and restore her energy levels. What is it with you humans and never having enough nu
trients?] Wefor's voice held an edge of stress and part of McKenna wanted to laugh given how many people struggled to eat less to lose weight. They all struggled to eat more to put on weight. She'd managed to gain ten pounds in the last week. But she still needed about another thirty. JD had managed to put on fifteen, but he could stand the ration bars with their five thousand calories. She couldn't.

  Toni returned with chunks of cheese, chips, dip, and a pile of lunch meat slices on a tray. She set it down next to McKenna on the couch. The kids were crouched around her, watching Nam with unnerving intensity.

  "Nam? You need to eat. Here, take something and eat."

  The little girl bit her lip, then asked in a quiet voice. "Is it pork?"

  McKenna glanced at Toni, but she was already replying. "No. Chicken and beef."

  "Okay." With a hand that shook too much Nam reached out and took one of the pieces of meat. She gobbled it quickly then started to reach for another and froze.

  "Nam, eat it all if you want. We have lots of food, and you need to eat." McKenna urged.

  ~Eat, Nam. You need to get strong for us.~ Charley's voice filled the mindspace and McKenna realized the link to Nam had lit up.

  The girl jerked, tears welling in her eyes as she looked around, her whole body starting to shake again.

  ~Nam, listen. This is why we needed to share the blood. It lets us talk in our minds. Look, Charley, Jessi, and Jamie are here. You can talk to them the same way. Just find their names in your mind and think. I promise it will see normal very fast.~

  ~Nam? We've been waiting for you. You need to eat and shift.~ Jamie's voice took over, and the space filled with emotion that McKenna shied away from. It was too strong and scary for her to face with these kids. Love but not love, pack but more. Nam turned in her arms to look at them, tears starting to run down her face as Jessi and Charley sent their support, their warmth, their concern for her into the mindspace.

  McKenna didn't look at Toni, and Toni had locked herself down tight, so she had no idea how she might be reacting to the sheer emotions flooding the shared mindspace. While the adults would hear Nam in McKenna's mindspace, they wouldn't be able to talk privately to her until they shared blood. But for now this would work.